Sunday, December 3, 2006

Reflecting, looking upward. By the fire again. Strange to drive them off the hunters. My father back from an island - shot over 300 things. On the contrary - he would devour while robbing. The snouts of their horses - their legs - again by the fire. Looking upward. The two horses were in the description, exactly. I had a perfect description of his belt. The man who stuttered - his best friend makes belt buckles. Why are belt buckle makers always the best at sharpening knives? The belt buckle maker sharpers his belt buckle. Every time he tries to fix his belt, the buckle nips off some leather. Laughs. The horses in the description. They had the blankets of their old employer. The flames built after noon and saturated the windowsill. Flames saturated. The clothing was flames saturated. They put their hands in over a dozen private homes - put their hands in the windows. Everytime they passed a threshhold, they imagined they walked through a color. Now blue. Now green. Put their hands in private homes. A youth with good looks afraid of horse hooves. Fat. They started in the direction of the outlaws. As always, it was a matter of inlaws versus outlaws. His name printed in the bow of his glasses.

,for they were lucky to have been alive.

,for they were lucky to have been alive. I saw The Fountain today and enjoyed it very much. I thought I would go with another person, but I went by myself. In jail at Lincoln, he was a bad citizen. The film seemed to deal explicitly with Western religion stuff, but there was implicit stuff from the east. Those guys in Easy Rider died because they were going east. Everything went bad in On the Road because they were going east at the end. He was not killed by his lions; he was killed by the big show's lions. Also, it's interesting that Eve ate an apple off the tree of knowledge. It's like she ate of another woman's fruit, of a womb. In The Fountain, Dumb Old Tommy drinks of the tree of life's sap. That's like something else. A guy started talking on his cell phone in the last 10 minutes. When he did that, I accidentally said Fuck very loudly. I'm not that kind of person, but I said Fuck very loudly. He turned around and his face was all lit up with the sick blue of his cell phone buttons. At least he stopped talking. Then, afterwards, I went to the healthfood store and bought peanutbutter. For some reason, I started crying in the line. The guy, Kelly, asked me if I was okay, and I said I caught my eye on a magazine cover. I was in the maga-zone. One must be careful in the maga-zone.

When Wallace reached Lincoln, he fired at a little bird. They committed depredation in the background. Terry Southern has a son who works for Stop Smiling. Norman Mailer has a son who works for Stop Smiling. Nile Southern. John Buffalo Mailer. Terry Southern did not leave the undergraduates alone when he visited Austin, TX. He let Dennis Hopper take most of the writing credit for Easy Rider, though. He was an easy writer. They brought him in to fix Dr. Strangelove. Or...

I returned to my home and, once again, associated with myself.

Let it be understood that he only required lightning bugs. He wanted to impress her by taking her out to the movie and by yelling at anyone who made any kind of noise. He opened the seat and found something surprising - something full of utility. Well wrought words, yes. Can't do it. We returned the body to the private house. Over 300 things over my head. I could have talked him out of it. My cousin smoked too much weed in the army. My second cousin can get beer cans to stick to his head. The design of the new Miller Lite cans makes this harder. The end was fast approaching - date unknown. After killing him, they placed him on exhibition. I wander in security before I lash out - unimaginatively - with lies. I never expected such celebrity. I never anticipated local notoriety - the kind that comes with people who will fight for me with their mouths. Mouth fighters. I enjoyed The Fountain. I knew I would like it before I went because my mother said I would like it. I remember when I saw 12 Monkeys with my mother - she knew what I liked then. Back then, I hesitated longer. I had the faint hope of overhearing a murder charge, but they caught him first. Fistic

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