Thursday, December 28, 2006

A number of abstractions. It was heartbreaking. No, it was heartbraking. Today, at an auction, I sold a glove, a ship's bell, large bronze dogs, and a Rolls Royce. The Rolls went for 7,500$. Inside the bronze dogs: vocabulary. I give the ill persons my conditions. It is true that, because of inborn reactions, my generalizations are invalid. The invalid in the snowbank. You are invalid. You are an invalid. No physician is animalistic. Welcom to being invalid. She told me I am invalid, and I am. The man's gold coins go through the cracks in the floor, and I collect them in the basement. But the gold coins are painted on the floor! I watched Midnight Cowboy today. All of my reactions established positive. It seems my mechanism is made of skin and marijuana? These opinions involve, by necessity, human mechanisms. The drive-in has a hobbyhorse in front of it and stormclouds on top.

I was interested in the two neighbors, but, now, presently, I am not. I am a human, and I am complex. As a whole, she was desired. She found sign language useful because she was deaf. No, she was dead. No, she was Deaf and on Martha's Vineyard with all her friends. We did not go over the subject of exes. For me, no one named "tony." No one in pink. No one with a moustache. Downstairs, they make paintings, dresses, and stained glass. The dress has stained glass breasts and the back is painted. The painting is of hybrid creatures painting. My immediate character is stroppy. My immediate character is concrete and conscious. Are you in a serious relationship? I am. Well, life is about serious relationships and making out with a parking brake in between you. My heartbrake. My heartbreak. There is nothing wrong with you, but I do not want to be with you for biological reasons. It is all bio. My bio? My "feeling"? My "idea"? In this abstracting, sopshisticate. He was not sophisticated because he got really excited about an old Mustang car. I was sophisticated because I knew how to appreciate architecture. At least the dog was licking my hand. In 1933, there was a case of an imbecile. He claimed to have developed a paradoxical phrase, but he didn't. Only cultivated persons use vivid images. She defined my structure mathematically. She had mushrooms and pineapple on her pizza. In front of her friends, I told her that my grandpa eats salvage mushrooms and fresh pineapple. He eats these things one at a time. Like Arthur Murray. Do you know who Arthur Murray is, I asked her in front of all her friends. He developed dance secrets. My grandpa would make my grandma put a sheet on the couch before she sat down. He claimed she left an odor, but she didn't. The bad smell was his invention 00 his abuse. Now, grandpa can't talk anymore. They strap him into a chair. The straps are white leather and have rainbows on them. He wanted me to paint him kittens and an ark and all the kittens were supposed to be in the ark. What about the two and two? No, just kittens. She was feeling kittenish. SO WHAT>>>THIS. IS. THE. END. OF. IT>>> I allowed a one-to-one adjustment, but did she care? No, she don't. Her structure was empirical and granted me no flexibility. But then I made comparisons in this world and blew her and all her friends away. Arthur Murray had twin girls, but he forbade them to dance with each other.

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