Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Once again, I am here, squalling. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I live and love on my blog. Are you OK? I read your blog. Are you ready to blog? Tonight, for once, we should blog together. You should blog to get her. Together. I am very interested in Tao Lin. He would work all day at the NYU library. All day and make the most marvelous. So I am very interested in him and his computer. He must have a computer. Did you read my blog? How are you feeling? Did you read my blog? Would you like to be busy. Like the folks on Martha's V, would you like to make your own sign language. Sound language breaks down in the water - it's just bubbles down there. Sound language breaks down in the air, when you sky dive. Our parachute is broke! Huh? But sign language works in the water, on land, and in the air. It has a structure that includes words, emotions, and gestures. So here I am, squalling, again, on this day. Yesterday, I was coming. He fought his jowl on the ranch of a Mexican confederate. You! Would you like to explain why you used the word Fag? Ghetto? Class, let's talk about this. Let's make statements and support them. Let's look at counterarguments. Let's get at the live of the living, the verve in my mouth. That comes out on the floor. My faithful narrative made no complaint. How could it?

Hateful language. Get at that
The card player's companion fell in Kansas.
My contemporary account fed to horses. Blood in the hay. There's blood in the hay. Don't worry about it.
What's my grade? There's blood in the hay. Get ready for my kiss. Bad kiss. A bad kisser. He is a bad kisser, but he is a catch because he wants to get good. How does he get good?
By kissing the mirror.
But the mirror smells?
No one ever thinks the mirror smells, but it does. Yes, the mirror smells. Killed, cursed, and gave a pledge. It is impossible to prove my fealty because I don't have any. I have no one of it.

He died a bit. He did.
He fought against us, but he had no financial interest in anything. Why did he fight?
For his grade. For my kiss. I am a good kisser. Very good. My mirror is slick with it. He drank from it, and his drink was thirty feet wide. He saved my tumultuous life - but then my life culminated in one night. In one night. Sewn up into a Bengal tiger. The fangs seen inside. Seen by whom? oooowup! ooowup! oowup! My enemies are all affluent. Ain't that a weirdity?

My son should thank me for bringing him into this world and for all the support I gave him. It was my spurt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy Kaufman and Bob Zmuda once created a sitcom entitled "Fingers and Knuckles." Andy would have played Knuckles, a hayseed Midwesterner fresh to New York City; Zmuda would have played Fingers, a streetwise tough. The sitcom's catchphrase was, "You can't have Fingers without Knuckles!"

ABC passed because they didn't feel they could sell the Knuckles character. They told Andy, "He can't even find his way to the elevator!"