Monday, December 4, 2006

The chickens eat the bat shit. We eat the chicken. It makes us all balance. "Well, words like 'it' are vague," the Ph.D. tells me. He tells me rap, poetry, and songwriting are not the same things. It is bad when one thing becomes two. What do you mean, this ain't ancient times? Sometimes it is. You mean, you kill them because there are so few of them? The Atlas of the Human body. I am having a tough time studying for my exam. It would take too long to make all the notecards I'd need. I will talk to you when I am done with all my work. Well, why am I not work. I am a lot of work. I see I can be boring, talkative, and strange. I can be emotionally distant but not anymore. I am no longer emotionally distant. The last time I was told this, I meditated on being sewn up in a horse's carcass. The guitarist was so good. The way I described him: One of those big gorillas - the ones at the Chi zoo - sewn up in a dead tiger. He is an angry tiger sewn into a dead tiger. That god. There are so many vestibules in the human body - so many waiting spaces that should be on notecards. I love Vera. I love her notecards. Elliott Stevens. Elton lists Eve. LEN LETS VOTE SIT. A lot of vestibules. A lot of things sewn up into other things. I get the call, all right. I get the touch base. I get my base touched. Real base. To turn base metals into gold. I have been making hay and broke a single tree. Now that's how I end a semester in Kansas. Death by Aces and Eights. Swallow one all day.

I swallowed one all day.

A portion missing, like when he killed three out of five. Like when the ghoule. His left arm was still useless - hanging off a train - all black metal, wood, fire, fast trees. He rented his place then badly beat it up. Brought in all his friends. "Look what I did." Brought in people he doesn't know. "Look what someone - someone before me - did." He demanded a remarkable woman but only got a cellphone with lit up buttons. When text messaging, it is the worst to spell things with g,h, and i in them. I hate thought. Lack of authentic remains. Authentic is an adjective. No, it is the object of the preposition "of." In that sentence "authentic" is a noun. Authentic does not remain anymore. It's all plastic, 100 years of movies, and pentene sniffing. Years or sniffing pentene. Sniffing is not a verb. It it a participle. He returned the favor, deserving death. Deserving is a participle that gives us more info about "He." He is deserving of death. Now deserving in a gerund. He returned the favor deserving death. Now deserving modifies favor. It is a favor deserving of death. It is vague, says Ph.D. It is arrogant. What is arrogant. You are arrogant, Ph.D. My dad wants to know why I am not in a Ph. D. program. I don't talk to him for a year and a half. I only talk to him because my grandma has him on the phone. She gives me the phone. It's your dad, she say. I can't say to her, "I don't talk to him, to your son." Instead, I take the phone. He tells me I should be in a Ph.D. program. I tell him, your father is strapped into his chair with white leather belts that have rainbows on them. Your dad can't speak anymore. I worry about my health, so I'm all flax, fishoil, and multivit. A multivit will see in France. The socialized healthcare, I'm told. It's free, sure, my talkative aunt says. But you have to wait. You spend your vacation waiting. You can't get multivits. People in everyday life are sod structures we squat inside. A lesser known publisher with an air of respectability.

Boom town.

Boom, town.

He could no longer count his expenses. Thinning language. The oblique. I preferred to publish before I became too prominent. Not just prominent. TOO prominent.

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