Tuesday, July 1, 2008

5MWE colic was easy to pick up that day

This is your flophouse. Sorry to disappoint you, but your tapestry is not ready. You will have to wait another fifteen years. The boy was on the floor of the airplane when it rolled. He did not mean to be flippant when he answered his friend's incoherent letter. It really made little sense. He had found it taped above his door with black tape. He wound tape around his middle. He glued his containers shut because he knew he would not need them for a long time. They met in the art museum to learn about art. They watched slides and took notes. Some of the people there were artists, but others were more interesting in being in a warm place for two hours. He followed the directions closely but still became lost. He was on the pond of ice. There was a tap. A throw. He was arch. Do not clap the dog on its back. If you do, it will bite. Go over the bridge where they once threw the baby off. Ride the bus for most of the day. Ride the bust for most of the day. I would like to complain about the color of the water in the fountain that is on the corner of the vacant lot no one ever thought to manicure with anything but a spice garden. He held tomatoes he had made. She was on the dais, and tired. He was on the bench. Here, the openings of gates. He was proud of himself when he opened it. That gate.

The nepotism was as thick as gravy. Yes, that was a word that he knew. He worked at a dump, but he salvaged whatever he could. He made a plywood room next to his dump office. In this room, he put all the things that he saved. Some of these things worked fine--a bike, say. Others of these things were but a washer away from working fine. Or a twisted bit of wire. But the gravy kept him from a better position. There was a horse standing on the top of a building. We did not know how to get it down. One of us suggested slaughtering it in the sky. Right next to beams that shot down. We couldn't have choked on our meals because we couldn't make as many sounds. We were people who had the throats of chimps. The offspring of a famous person. Dive under the wave. The number was printed on the back of a plate. The number was the one that told her where she'd buy her next wardrobe. She was disappointed because it would be got on the cheap.

Remember when we had to make the formula for the babies in one bog tank? To test its warmth we put out whole arm in. I like my job. My boss is great. She takes me out to lunch. She does not mind if I am on parole. She does mind that I meet my PO at a time that does not conflict with my work. 4:30, say. She doesn't mind if I have to miss work because of court every once in a while because court is every once in a while. But she wants me to meet my PO officer at a time that does not conflict with work because I have to meet my PO so often. Your hands smell like your feet. I hope that makes you feel proud about yourself. He pays the entire fare, but he rides for only half the time. It makes him like an aristocrat amongst us. She lets us go an hour early if we've done our work for the day. I could get you such a position so long as you agree to inflate my bed and welcome me into it. I would like you to put sage in my sheets and clip the hair around my ears when I sleep.

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