Monday, December 15, 2008

5 MWE--his neck was open and his adam's apple looked like a kneee

There were small harnesses, and I was told that small horses would be strapped into them. This gave me time to woodshed for a little bit. I woodshedded most of the day--at least, when it was light enough for me to see. Once I no longer was able to see, I made sure to negate what bark I had in my mouth with a funnel. I cut the funnel apart. The game was to first make a mobius strip. I next asked the class what they thought would happen if I cut it. I asked them what they thought would happen if I cut it again. This was when I was on my island of Ascension. Here, I had a cape I had made of hibiscus petals and the breasts of small birds. I had shards of obsidian. I never thought that I would be able to throw a rock to where it would sink. This is my right arm. My arm was a test model yet what I wanted toknow was the I made my head on the light iof my only frined give.

I woodshedded for a while before I put out all the laundry I had. It all flapped like sad flags. Get me some lonely jewels that I can chill in a small bowl of wood. Now, let me say that I have never seen a crayon. Have you seen a wax one. It's what I should have done but didn't. What I used to do was climb the rock wall in the restaurant. I was told to stop--but not because what I was doing was dangerous. No, what I was doing was increasingly irritating to all that wondered who could have ever propelled himself upward so quickly. The anti venin was no longer being made.

They used to make anti venin, but they no longer did. The anti venin was for coral snakes. My grandmother had ordered oranges from Florida. What she didn't know was that that box had a pregnant coral snake in it. She went down to get an orange and got bit by the mother. She asphyxed. Then that thing had her babies. It was not what any of us could have constructed. This is what was floated. That was understood by no one. Consequently, we retched into a cooler. Then, afterward, consequently, we wrapped the chain of an outdoor swing around the neck of a man who could have been a convict but wasn't.

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