Tuesday, May 27, 2008


He crouches behind a frond. The ground around the frond is icy. He has seen something that is icy. He saw an icy vehicle, but he crouches behind the frond. The vehicle he sees is a Nash Airflyte--a car that you--that he--can sleep in. Make all the seats go back, and you can sleep in it. He crouches behind a frond. He would like to acquire a book, but he does not know where he should go. He heard about a place that makes eggs a certain way. People are trained to make eggs, but what do they get? They do not get to eat their mistakes. Their mistakes are fed to big dogs that are black and brown and have orange eyes. What has been said of his disciple? It has been said that he smells like vegetable matter beneath his robes. It has been said that his knowledge of mathematics is stellar. It has been said that when he dances his hips, not his feet, are leaden. What can one do but crouch behind a frond? He lights a lantern and prepares for a night of icy crouching. He wishes he had the manikin he stole.

The clothes that he had made fell apart so easily. The clothes that he made were deadly because they did not protect against the cold weather. Against cold weather. Against the cold weather. Whatever he said was false. She thought he had tripped on the concrete, but he had not tripped. He didn't tripped--just looked like he did. He didn't really trip. This was how it happened: it didn't happen. This is what he said: he said little to nothing. What he hated to eat: nothing. He ate just about everything that was placed in front of him--even experimental eggs. Now, for three hours, he had to sit athwart a simpleton. He felt the warmth of the simpleton as he sat athwart him. The person seized. The person had a pertness. None of this was timely. It was all untimely. What it was was perverted--but not to the point that it couldn't have been on the stage. It was just enough to me warped. It. Something. What. This. It was warped. Something was sad. What it was was sad. This is abstract to the point that it cannot be performed. What do you call that smile of yours?

The protagonist is a prescription in this case. In the earlier draft, there was no protagonist. No protag was there, so what was decided was that a protag must be prescribed. This protag--it was decided--must be on the younger side and must have a severe physical ailment--something readers would understand and latch on to. This protag must be on the verge of finding fortune. That, or the protag should lose a vast fortune first and then spend the rest of the time getting himself ready for a vaster one. He should get some people together and get them to pray in a place that is not a church. He should get them all in an abandoned building and get them to pray. The grass out front the building is very tall--some joke and say that it is wheat. There is a drained swimming pool in the backyard. The pool collects rainwater and mosquitoes grow inside. This abandoned house is not something the neighbors like. They do not see it as romantic or haunted. Hainted. They see it as the start of a blight. But a bunch of people are in it, and they pray. They smell like vegetable matter because that's what they had to get through.

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